As the world’s dependence on technology and computers grows so does Michigan Technological University’s focus on developing young engineers for a future not yet here. In the last couple of years, Michigan Tech’s Institute of Computing and Cybersystems introduced the Art in Silico exhibition to take a creative outlook on computing that connects with more than computer experts.
Each year the event has grown. Yesterday The Institute of Computing and Cybersystems started building excitement for this year’s exhibition with the first event, an AI Art Workshop, led by Dr. Evan Lucas. Leading up to the exhibit from April 2nd to the 4th, the institute has invited Martin Krywinski to share a keynote session, and a creative workshop later in March.
Art in Silico will display student artwork at the Copper Country Community Arts Center throughout the three days. On April 3rd a reception will move the fun from the arts center to the Orpheum Theatre after viewing the gallery.
This year’s keynote speaker, Sarah Bell, will deliver The Voice Synthesis Mixtape; a history of singing machines in eight songs on April 2nd.
Each year of Art in Silico the university encourages students to get creative with powerful machines that can open up a new world of possibilities. The deadline for students submitting artwork to the exhibition will close on March 28th. Learn more about art in silico with the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems here.
The 2025 Art in Silico Exhibition has been sponsored by Michigan Arts and Culture Council’s 6,000-dollar Experiencing Support Grant.